Monday, August 9, 2010

Noh in Bloomsburg Pennsylvania

I am rehearsing an English language noh play in Bloomsburg PA at the moment.  The play is called "Crazy Jane" - a gorgeous piece written by David Crandall about a madwoman.  I am playing Jane. No typecasting there!

I have never posted about noh (Medieval Japanese theatre) - only kabuki and nihon buyoh - but noh is something I studied before I started my training in nihon buyoh.  Very different, but there are connections in some of the stories and texts.  I study in the Kita School, with noh expert Richrd Emmert and master noh performer OMURA Sadamu.

I am part of Theatre Nohgaku, a group dedicated to bringing noh to North America. Every year the group meets in Bloomsburg to rehearse, train etc, and I am lucky to be able to be here this year.

For more on noh in general see

Crazy Jane performances are on Friday August 13 and Saturday August 14 - if you happen to be in Bloomsburg ... or in Philidelphia or New York City if you don't mind a 3 hour drive!
Details on the show on the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble's website:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=92&cntnt01origid=140&cntnt01returnid=234

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