Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Goodbye to an amazing artist: KAMA Mitsuo

A few days ago the world lost a wonderful and generous noh musician KAMA Mitsuo. Kama-sensei played the otsuzumi (hip drum) as well as the kotsuzumi (shoulder drum) for a number of Thetare Nohgaku performances including Crazy Jane, Pine Barrens, and Pagoda.

He also taught noh music at the Noh Training Project every summer in Bloomsburg Pennsylvania, reveling in the craziness of all his summer noh aficionados!

Personally he played for me when I danced Tomoe at the National Noh Theatre, and performed the Takasago-ya at my wedding party.

I will remember his wry humour, his love of good beer, his patience as a teacher, and his passion for the art of noh. I will miss him terribly.

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